Met Chorus Artists

Mid Fundraiser Donor Thank You

The Met Chorus Artists of The Metropolitan Opera raised over $500,000 for members of the American Guild of Musical Artists impacted by the closure of the opera house due to the pandemic.  We created 11 videos to assist them in reaching out to donors during the campaign.  In the middle of the fundraiser, they needed a way to show their appreciation to the over 200 people who had already generously donated to artists in need.  It was our pleasure to help the Met Chorus Artists applaud those who normally applaud them.


  • 1’30 video compilation of artist photos & videos

  • Animation of over 200 donor names

  • Custom copy and subtitles

  • Voiceover recording

  • Royalty-free backing track

The Happy Social Media Manager

Dan Profile Circle Crop on Chartreuse | Tanya Roberts Creative.png

“Tanya is a powerhouse of talent and I highly recommend her. She created a great variety of videos and graphics for our Emergency Grant Fundraiser this summer. She immediately knew how to transform our needs into action, and gave us professional-looking videos that thanked our donors, moving us to tears as well! We were so happy to have Tanya on our team. She understood how to bring our Met AGMA Artists’ stories to life, showing great skill with techniques that gave the videos polish and flair, yet stayed true to our essence as artists. She was absolutely instrumental in the success of the fundraiser, which provided over a half a million dollars to our struggling artists!”

— Dan Smith, Social Media Manager, Met Chorus Artists, Inc.,

Gratitude creates happiness.

Do you need to show your appreciation?


Met Chorus Artists - End of Fundraiser Donor Thank You


Met Chorus Artists - Paula Suozzi Testimonial